CBCT and 3D Scans In Rockford

What are CBCT and 3D Scans?

CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) and 3D scans are advanced imaging technologies used in modern dentistry to provide detailed, three-dimensional views of a patient's oral and maxillofacial structures. Unlike traditional two-dimensional X-rays, these scans offer a comprehensive look at teeth, bones, soft tissues, and nerve pathways in the head and neck area. CBCT uses a cone-shaped X-ray beam that rotates around the patient's head, capturing multiple images from different angles. These images are then combined using sophisticated software to create a highly accurate 3D model of the patient's oral anatomy. This technology allows dentists like Dr. Agnes Schindler at Holistic Roots Dentistry to visualize and analyze dental structures with unprecedented clarity and precision, leading to more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

The Benefits Of CBCT and 3D Scans

The CBCT and 3D Scans Process

At Holistic Roots Dentistry, we prioritize patient comfort and safety throughout the CBCT and 3D scanning process. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures quick, painless scans that provide Dr. Schindler with the detailed information needed for accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

Patient Preparation

Before the scan, we'll explain the procedure to you and address any questions or concerns you may have. You'll be asked to remove any metal objects that might interfere with the scan, such as jewelry, eyeglasses, or removable dental appliances. We'll provide you with a lead apron to protect other parts of your body from radiation exposure, though it isn’t strictly necessary due to the low levels of radiation used by our scanner. Our team will ensure you're positioned comfortably in the scanning unit, which typically involves standing or sitting still for a short period. We understand that some patients may feel anxious about medical procedures, so we take the time to create a relaxed, supportive environment.

Scanning Process

During the scan, the CBCT machine will rotate around your head, capturing multiple images from various angles. The process is quick, usually taking only 20-40 seconds for a full scan. You'll need to remain still during this time to ensure clear, accurate images. The machine is open, so you won't feel enclosed, and our team will be nearby to monitor the process and provide support if needed. The scan is completely painless – you won't feel anything as the images are captured. The machine might make some soft noises as it rotates, but these are normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Image Analysis and Consultation

After the scan is complete, our advanced software processes the captured images to create detailed 3D models of your oral structures. Dr. Schindler will carefully analyze these images herself, and will also send them to a certified radiologist for an official report. They will look for any areas of concern or potential issues that require attention. Once the analysis is complete, you’ll return to the office and Dr. Schindler will discuss the findings with you, using the 3D models to explain any issues and proposed treatment plans. This visual aid helps you better understand your oral health status and makes it easier to make informed decisions about your dental care.

CBCT and 3D Scans

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a CBCT scan safe, and does it expose me to a lot of radiation?

Yes, a CBCT scan is safe when used appropriately. It does expose you to more radiation than a standard dental X-ray, but the amount is still relatively low and is considered safe for most patients. The radiation dose from a CBCT scan is similar to that of a few days of natural background radiation from the environment. Your dentist will only recommend a CBCT scan if it is necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.