Holistic Dentistry in Rockford, MN

What is Holistic Dentistry?

Holistic Dentistry is about more than just fixing teeth. It is an approach to care that looks at your oral health in relation to your overall well being. At Holistic Roots Dentistry, we use the latest in biocompatible materials and minimally invasive treatments to provide quality, conservative care for every patient that walks through our doors.

The Benefits of Holistic Dentistry


Holistic Dentistry

Biocompatibility Material Testing

Saliva Testing

Functional Frenuloplasty

Ceramic Implants

Biological Extractions



SMART Amalgam Removal

Airway & Sleep Assessment

Biocompatibility Material Testing

We offer biocompatibility testing as an option for patients to ensure the materials used in your dental care are compatible with your body, reducing the risk of allergic reactions. You will check out a testing kit, follow the instructions, and bring the kit back to the office for Dr. Schindler to evaluate prior to your appointment.

Saliva Testing

Our advanced Bristle saliva testing can identify specific bacteria that may cause periodontal disease. Knowing what kind of bacteria are attacking your oral health is the first step toward a truly personalized treatment plan for your unique physiology.

Functional Frenuloplasty

With advanced techniques, including the use of our Lightscalpel CO2 laser, and a network of specialists, such as myofunctional therapists, Dr. Schindler has years of experience addressing tongue-ties and lip-ties in both children and adults. This procedure can restore proper oral function, improving patients' ability to feed, speak, and live life to the fullest.

Ceramic Implants

Choose metal-free, biocompatible ceramic implants for a holistic alternative to traditional tooth replacement.

Biological Extractions

Our holistic approach to biological extractions includes the use of ozone and PRF techniques for optimal recovery after the removal of your problematic tooth.


Enhance healing with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), a natural byproduct of your blood that supports tissue regeneration. PRF, derived from your own blood, is concentrated with platelets, fibrin, and growth factors that accelerate the body's healing processes. This method significantly improves recovery times and outcomes in various dental and surgical procedures by tapping into the body's inherent healing capabilities, offering a safer and more effective approach to tissue repair.


Dr. Schindler uses the natural antimicrobial power of ozone therapy for a variety of dental treatments. In addition to being a powerful disinfectant, ozone is a naturally occurring molecule that can stop the spread of decay, decrease tooth sensitivity, aid in the remineralization of enamel, and so much more.

SMART Amalgam Removal

Safely remove old amalgam fillings with the IAOMT(International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology) SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) protocol. The SMART protocol is a special technique that allows Dr. Schindler to remove your old metal amalgam fillings while minimizing your exposure to toxic mercury and preserving your health.

Airway & Sleep Assessment

We offer comprehensive airway assessments, using advanced imaging technology, including CBCT scans, and at-home sleep tests to understand, diagnose, and treat disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, so you can get the restful sleep you need to live life at your highest potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I consider SMART amalgam removal?

SMART amalgam removal is designed to minimize your exposure to mercury vapor and other metals during the removal of amalgam fillings, promoting a healthier process.

How does holistic dentistry differ from traditional dentistry?

Holistic dentistry differs by focusing on the impact of dental health and treatments on the entire body, using biocompatible materials and emphasizing overall well-being.